Getting to know me
My name is Holly Joy and I'm a pet and nature photographer from Utah. Over the years, my camera has taken me on some wild adventures.
There is almost nothing better than animals, the outdoors, and my camera. (My peace in a chaotic world)
Alongside my work as a photographer, I'm an avid Rock Hounder. I let the Earth call out to me and the magic begins. I am so blessed that I can combine the things that bring me such Joy into one encompassing journey.
You can often find me on my blog, "Wild Times," where I let the bloopers fly, Posting Random and not so random things. Anywhere, from how-too or what not-too do, Random Musings, humorous or serious.
I love encouraging, others, learn and improve their own Wild Adventures in photography, pets, nature, as well, rock hounding skills.
I'll see you soon, on some Wild Adventures,
H. Joy Winegar