You could say that I'm a wildflower.
I am totally okay with that, actually I own it, as wells as many other so called label's.
I think that many people who may know me, might label me as "Different", "Goofy", "Dorky", "Nerdy", "Weird". Truth be told I am! I am not like anyone and I take pride in being just me. When I am ever told any such "label's", my go to response is always the same...
I mean come on now, how lucky are those who know me, they get to have all this "Holly Joy" awesomeness in their lives.
Um, yeah... I'd say they all picked the best wildcard ever!
The moral of this post is... "Own Up"to your uniqueness, your quirks, your Goofy, Nerdy and Amazing. Own up to you! Be you, dance to your own drum. don't be afraid to be a wildflower. Life would be so boring if everyone was the same.
Holly Joy